Friday, October 28, 2011

HAHAHAHAHA!!! This one's for you Shauna!

(Everyone, Shauna made her potty overflow today. And this is what I thought of. :D )


  1. SIIIIIIIICK! "I decided to use my hands instead." And for everyone who now knows that I overflowed my potty today, it had nothing in it but sweet little Juliann pee pee and lots of tp (because she likes to throw little bits in here and there). Nothing too bad. But it was not fun.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SUUURE, Shauna. WE all know the truth. And Bri, for some reason I haven't had you in my Google Reader until tonight, so I thought you were a slacker blogger like Megan or something. It was like Christmas when I found all your posts :)
