Sunday, December 9, 2012

Last Sunday!

Today was the last Sunday of this semester!!! (Next week we're all gonna be partying with Shell and Nate and Meg and Sam and the like.) YAY! It was a really good Sunday. After we did the sacrament, the choir did this whole Christmas program instead of having speakers. We sang 6 songs. The last one was called Carol of Joy. It was so awesome! We've been having a little bit of trouble getting that song up to par, just because it's kind of long and there's lots of harder parts and we'd only worked on it like 4 times. But when we performed, we sounded SO AWESOME. It was incredible. We really sounded incredible. It was some powerful stuff.
The choir program ended up being a little short, and so when we finished we still had like 15 minutes left. The bishop got up and bore a brief but extremely wonderful testimony and then said that since he likes Christmas hymns so much, he wanted us to sing a bunch of them together as a congregation for the last little bit. So we did! It was one of those moments where I just got this overwhelming feeling of gratitude that I could come out to BYU and get to see all these people who have the same beliefs as me. It was great. :)

So this week is finals week. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I'm sort of freaking out. Finals are extremely important. I'm mostly worried about Physical Science-that's what I've focused most of my studying on thus far. Wish me luck!

I'm going to be home in less than 2 weeks! Hooray!

Also, I'm extremely stoked for this party at Shell and Nate's this weekend. It's gonna be a shindig to remember.

In 8 days I'm going to be on my merry way to San Diego. It's going to be a blast. We're going to sea world! And the beach! And we're doing a bunch of other fun things that I will be sure to fill you all in on.

Jenna- THANK YOU FOR YOUR LETTER. It was truly awesome. Also, I can't wait to come home and be with your hilariousness again.

EVERYONE at home - Dad, Mom, Jenna, Ryan, Kaylyn, Shauna, Doug, Juliann, Jackson, Russell, Emilee... I seriously can not wait to see you all again. I miss you all SO much. (Also- Amber, you should totally move down closer so I can see you on breaks like these. Just sayin.)

Love you all! Wish me luck on finals! Thanks for all the prayers!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Exciting and Happy Things

1. I AM GOING HOME THIS MONTH!!!!! i am SO stinkin excited about this. Me and Emma have a paper chain in our room counting down the days, and it's getting really short! Brother Young (Asst. Marching band director) hooked me up with a FREE plane ticket home after the bowl game. I leave on the 21st at 11:00 am from the LAX airport. I am so excited I can hardly stand it.

2. I've been on two dates! Both with the same guy, John Christiansen. I've started to blog about them like a billion times, but I never finish. Anyway, the first date we went on was 2 weeks ago. We went geocaching. It was really fun, and we actually found 2 treasure things! Then we went to the Brick Oven for supper and ate a TON of salad and pizza and their specially made root beer, which is the best root beer in the universe. It's even better than Barq's. He was a real gentleman the whole time, and he opened doors for me, walked on the side of the sidewalk closest to the road, and was just really nice.
The other date was just last night. We went to a divine comedy show. When he picked me up he had a giant yellow gerber daisy for me. It's so pretty, and it's in a cup of water in the kitchen right now.
Divine Comedy was great! They are so hilarious! It was a party. They take little breaks in between skits they do and turn off all the lights and shower everyone with glow sticks. It was seriously like the funniest thing I've ever seen.
We swung by John's house afterwards to grab a quick California roll, because I'd never had one. It's some kind of american-ized sushi. It was actually pretty darn good, surprisingly.
There's a ton of other stuff I should probably say about those dates but I really don't want to make this a novel. If you want deets, give me a call! Or a letter! Or an email! Or something!

3. I FINALLY cut Jamie's hair! Yesterday! And it was soooo fun! It's inspired me to start my own salon. I can't believe I've never cut hair before.
So he came over to my house with all of his hair cutting stuff and we watched the SEC championship while I chopped it. I can't remember if I already said that I was GOING to shave it, because he has a family member starting chemo soon. But apparently they found out his nice plan and got a little angry about it and told him not to shave his head after all. So I just gave him a normal buzz cut. It was nice that he could meet my roommates and that we got to know each other a little better. Plus, he gave me some junior mints that he got at the creamery. And ANYONE  that gives me free junior mints is automatically my favorite.
His new hairdo looks awesome. I messed up around his right ear just a little bit. But only a little and you couldn't even really tell unless you really looked at it real hard for a long time. Also, I forgot to take pictures. Heh. Whoops. Next time.

4. Jamie's totally into me. Actually that's probably a little bit of a lie. However, after I got home from my date with John he sent me a text saying that he's gotten a compliment on his haircut. :D Which is mostly what has inspired me to open my salon. We talked for a while via texts and he asked me if I was doing pep band. (Which I'm not. ) I told him I'd probably be working all the time anyway, but I wasn't sure where. AND THEN HE SAID THAT THE MTC IS ALWAYS HIRING AND THAT I SHOULD GET A JOB AS A SECURITY GUARD, WHICH IS WHAT HE DOES. Holy smokes. It  makes me happy that he thinks I should work with him. Even though I'm apparently not cool enough to get asked on a date by him. Pomp.

5. This is the last week of classes! And we don't even have class on Friday!

6. Delaney's family got a new Christmas tree this year, and they are letting us use their old one. It's a huge one! She said it's like 7 feet tall. I have NO CLUE where we are going to put it though. There's really no room in our whole apartment. Also, they're also going to let us use ornaments they're not using. Score!

7. Christmas music has started! and it makes me happy.

8. I got a compliment on my sweater! From Delaney. It still counts.

9. Emma made pork chops for supper tonight. She baked them in the oven with ketchup and a lemon slice on each one. And they were delicious.

10. The bishop gave me sweet tarts today after tithing settlement. Also, we had cupcakes after choir.

11. I finally saw the Dark Knight Rises! At Beck and Ben's house! It was soooo good. Highly recommended by me.

12. I'm reading books for fun! Preparation precedes power, and The Screwtape Letters. Both of which are also highly recommended by me.

13. It's not even that cold outside anymore!

14. Testimony meeting was SO good today. It was definitely the best one so far in this ward.

15. Delaney and her bf Rich made toffee the other day on a date because they're cute. And it's really really really really reallllllllllllly amazing. It has walnuts on it. And chocolate.

16. We're watching Home Alone this week sometime! Neither Delaney nor Emma have ever seen it! So sad, these deprived children.

17. The other day after Marching band, I walked home with a nice boy I met on the bus named David. That boy can sang. And he's super duper nice. And it was fun not to walk all the way home by myself.

18. I live really close to Beck and Ben and Trevor. And also kind of close to Shell and Nate and Addison and Bryn and Leah. And that is possibly the best thing about being at BYU. I don't know how we got such a stellar family guys. We seriously lucked out in that department.

19. I've never paid to do laundry. Every time I think about this it just makes me feel extremely happy and also a little bit spoiled. It's just so fantastic. 

20. And D, I haven't gotten sick even once this whole semester. I've had a bunch of days where I was feeling like I was getting sick, but it hasn't actually happened. Which is just MARVELOUS.

On a different note, finals are the week after this week. Prayers much appreciated. Also letters. Also chocolate. Love you all!