Thursday, October 25, 2012


If we're starting "today" at midnight, then today started spectacularly! I was looking for my anatomy book that I used in high school, which I bought because it's the coolest book EVER and it was only six dollars. Anyway, Emma had ear infections a ton when she was little, and now she has giant holes in both of her eardrums. I have no clue how she has no hearing loss. So I was going to read the chapter on ears and figure it out. Much to my dismay, it wasn't on my desk with all of my other books. I started digging around under my bed, and I looked in one of the boxes. My book wasn't in there but something else was. I found my black jacket! The one I'd given up all hope of finding! Hallelujah! Also, there was another pair of jammie pants in there, which was great because all my other ones were dirty except for my shorts, and it was REALLY cold yesterday.
After I woke up this morning at 9, I went out to the kitchen wearing my newly found pink plaid PJ's, my fuzzy pink slippers, and my ginormous duck robe. Toasty warm. :) I was sitting at the kitchen table with Emma, fighting to keep my eyes open while eating. We had been there about 5 minutes when she turned to me and said, "Look," and then she opened up the blinds really fast. It was snowing! Not just wimpy snow either. Like, we're talking snowflakes as big as Manhattan. I still can't decide if I'm excited, full of dread, or just shocked that it's snowing in October.
Anyway, after all that, I showered, got ready for the day, and did a little homework. I had a meeting with my Advisor lady today at 11:00, and the bus was leaving at 10:40. At 10:39 I started walking over to the bus stop, because I live less than a minute away. I was wearing my newly found jacket and some shoes that are definitely NOT the warmest, and definitely not even close to being waterproof... in fact, they're more like sponges. So I got to the bus stop and didn't see the bus. I figured I was a little early, so I stood there waiting for a few seconds. As I was looking around, I spotted the bus at the it of Wyview, driving away without me! I SPRINTED after it waving my arms, to no avail. It left me there.
I was NOT going to be late to this meeting. I turned on my heel away from the dag blasted bus exit, and started walking toward campus. On a normal day, it usually takes me about 25 minutes to get to the middle of campus, where all the important buildings are. By this point, I only had about 18. Good thing I'm an excellent speed walker. Thank heavens for marching band.
I walked all the way there, including up the MASSIVE hill at the end of the walk, and went into the Wilk, which is where the meeting was. I ran into the Advisement Center at 11:04, worried that the lady I was having the meeting with (Irene) was going to hate me and yell at me for being late. I talked with the guy at the desk and told him what I was there for, and he buzzed Irene. She came out at like 11:20 or something ridiculous. I apologized for my lateness, figuring she was thinking something like, "She wasted my time, so I'll waste even MORE of hers." She replied with something to the effect of, "Oh you were late? I was the late one. I was just having a nice pleasant chat with one of my colleagues and didn't even look at the time. Also, I've started taking steroids, so I hope you don't mind if I take forever to lay out all of the calcium and vitamins I'll have to be taking now, because steroids are bad for your bones apparently. I play the violin and the viola. You'll need to buy these expensive pens to write in your planner with, it's the only way you'll be organized. It's okay though, they're only three dollars a piece! My favorite color is purple. Let me write that IN YOUR PLANNER because I'm slightly doofy. 'I like purple', there we are. Great. You're taking 15 credits this semester? Wow, that's a lot of classes. You'll need to study at least 700 hours per week. I hope that won't be a problem. Here, you should fill out all of these to-do lists and weekly calendars. Also, I want you to color code them with the fancy pens you'll be buying. blah blah blah..."

My reaction:
I got all sweaty and gross for nothing. She was 20 minutes late.
I don't exactly care if you're taking steroids.
Heck no woman, I am NOT buying no three dollar pens. You crazy.
Don't write in my planner, even if your favorite color is purple. (By the way, she was wearing a LOT of purple.)
Yeah, I know it's a lot of classes. Thank you for pointing that out.

The meeting was supposed to be only 30 minutes, and she kept me in there for an hour. And I asked if I was supposed to bring the schedule/to do lists back so she could check them off or something, and she said that sounded like a great idea and to come in sometime next week. Nice.

After I was done on campus, I walked up to the bus stop so I could go home. I got there right on time, only to see the bus pull out of the parking lot just as I got there. NICE. At least it had stopped snowing by then. I called mom, which improved my mood by about 6000%, and then the bell tower played the Harry Potter theme music, which made it even more awesome. The bus came after about 20 minutes, right as it started snowing again. I sat next to a really sweet girl from my ward named Alyssa and it was great. She's from around Augusta, GA and she has the same accent as Sister Adair.

Anyway... I just wanted that documented.

In other news, I got a letter from John! Aunt Susan's John! He's doing pretty good. He'd LOVE some letters though, I'm sure. So get on that. :)

I don't have ANY tests this week!!!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNA!!! I can not BELIEVE you're 17, old woman. I still feel like I'm 17 all the time. Sometimes I forget I'm actually 18. You are so beautiful and hilarious and intelligent and wonderful and fun to be with and awesome and I reeeeeeeally love you a lot! I miss you all the time. I'm really glad we're sisters and also that we're besties 4eva, yo. And hey, now you can get your DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!!! 10:00 AND 2:00!!!!!  Even though you're definitely a clog pump. And a shawty pomp. And this video reminds me of you.

Marching practice is INSIDE today! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are all awesome. :) Love you!

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