Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mood Swings and Hilarity

I feel like for the past few days I've been going through extreme and slightly abrupt mood changes. There's been hours of greatness, where I feel super productive and on top of the world. There's been yesterday, where I just felt slightly indifferent to everything and also a little anti social. There was last night, where I could not stop laughing at EVERYTHING. And then today has been rock bottom, filled with lots of crying and chips ahoy and feelings of inadequacy and being overwhelmed.
I just want to say that even though I was feeling so awful, pretty much as soon as I started watching this video, I laughed my head off for like 10 minutes straight. It's so hilarious. It's also really weird though, just a heads up. But it's too good not to share. Enjoy the awesome.

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