Monday, October 15, 2012

Crazy Week

I've got the craziest week of my life coming up. I'll be taking three tests this week (Humanities, Physical Science, and New Testament), a smaller quiz (Env. Bio), turning in a paper I've got to redo completely, since I did it wrong the first time, giving blood for the first time on Wednesday, and I've still got practice three times this week. Wow. I would really appreciate some prayers on my behalf... I'm going to need all the help I can get this week.


  1. Hey Bri! It does sound like you're good and busy but I have no doubt that you can not only survive this week but also dominate this week! GO BRI!!!

  2. You can do it!!! Just push through, one hour at a time! Sending prayers your way. Love ya!

  3. Sounds like a great week to prove yourself. You'll be awesome. Work hard.
