Friday, October 19, 2012

Perfectly Happy

I'm done doing homework for the night, this crazy week is FINALLY over, and now I'm sitting on my bed in my jammies listening to Luke Bryan and eating a bag of salad (because I'm vegetable deprived). AND, in the morning, there's no game, just a trumpet breakfast at Clif's house where I will be stuffing my face with hashbrowns, bacon, orange juice and Clif's wife's famous stuffed french toast, which actually sounds disgusting, but which I will eat anyway.
PLUS, I didn't shower today, my hair was in a ponytail, I had zero make up on, and I was wearing my GIANT plaid shirt... and 3 people told me how beautiful I looked today. And I only knew one of them. The other ones were just random people in classes.
Also, I'm going to a corn maze soon with the trumpets.
Pretty much, right now is fabulous, and a welcome break.


  1. HOORAY! Sounds like you've got some fun things to look forward too. And I bet her famous stuffed french toast will be delicious!

  2. Eating a bag of salad? That sounds much grosser than the french toast. What does one stuff french toast with anyway?

  3. YAY!!! So happy that you are getting a break. Call me sometime!

  4. "Corn maze" is code for "MY NAME IS JAMIE AND I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND!!!"

  5. So glad to hear that you survived this week!! I knew you would! Was there ever really any doubt? Can't wait to hear your report on the stuffed french toast and corn maze!
