Sunday, December 9, 2012

Last Sunday!

Today was the last Sunday of this semester!!! (Next week we're all gonna be partying with Shell and Nate and Meg and Sam and the like.) YAY! It was a really good Sunday. After we did the sacrament, the choir did this whole Christmas program instead of having speakers. We sang 6 songs. The last one was called Carol of Joy. It was so awesome! We've been having a little bit of trouble getting that song up to par, just because it's kind of long and there's lots of harder parts and we'd only worked on it like 4 times. But when we performed, we sounded SO AWESOME. It was incredible. We really sounded incredible. It was some powerful stuff.
The choir program ended up being a little short, and so when we finished we still had like 15 minutes left. The bishop got up and bore a brief but extremely wonderful testimony and then said that since he likes Christmas hymns so much, he wanted us to sing a bunch of them together as a congregation for the last little bit. So we did! It was one of those moments where I just got this overwhelming feeling of gratitude that I could come out to BYU and get to see all these people who have the same beliefs as me. It was great. :)

So this week is finals week. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I'm sort of freaking out. Finals are extremely important. I'm mostly worried about Physical Science-that's what I've focused most of my studying on thus far. Wish me luck!

I'm going to be home in less than 2 weeks! Hooray!

Also, I'm extremely stoked for this party at Shell and Nate's this weekend. It's gonna be a shindig to remember.

In 8 days I'm going to be on my merry way to San Diego. It's going to be a blast. We're going to sea world! And the beach! And we're doing a bunch of other fun things that I will be sure to fill you all in on.

Jenna- THANK YOU FOR YOUR LETTER. It was truly awesome. Also, I can't wait to come home and be with your hilariousness again.

EVERYONE at home - Dad, Mom, Jenna, Ryan, Kaylyn, Shauna, Doug, Juliann, Jackson, Russell, Emilee... I seriously can not wait to see you all again. I miss you all SO much. (Also- Amber, you should totally move down closer so I can see you on breaks like these. Just sayin.)

Love you all! Wish me luck on finals! Thanks for all the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. 10ish days left!!!!!! SOOOOOO EXCITED! I've been missing my sister.
